About Us
The (original) Universal Education Foundation was founded in 1986, by Hossca and Rebecca Harrison. Years ago Hossca received a vision, after being in a coma, to establish a unique healing center, a healing center that would assist ones to heal outside of tradition. The traditions of healing must move beyond the past to a new horizon, a new beginning.
301 E. Platte Ave - downtown Colorado Springs
The Universal Education Foundation offers a different and unique healing experience. Since 1986, the Foundation has worked with children and their families to create a balance in the family unit. When balance does not exist, pain, anger, and fear are the result. Multiply this with all members of a family, the environment becomes explosive.
Change is inevitable, how you choose to change is not. If something is not working, it is time to make a different choice, to create a different experience in life.
Is now the time for your healing to begin?
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Colorado Springs, CO